The best drivers focus only on the present. Never dwelling on the past, never committing to the future. “What if I don't win?” “There's no dishonor in losing the race, there's only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose.” If a driver has the courage to create his own conditions, then the rainAmanda今年那部狗狗的故事有原著小说苦情又励志112719/042220
在北海道拍这个片子就已经赢了一半诗一般的影像搭配着满分的配乐北海道的四季札幌的晴天和雨天男女主的过去与现在宇多田光的 First Love 一响起我放佛也回到了过去却不记得听这首歌时的心境唯一的不满就是最后一集之前渲染的所有情愫像漏了气的气球稀稀拉拉地瘪了下去北见女满别網走钏路要带着小灯和妈妈再走几次